How to Connect Two Modems in one House – Easy Setup To Follow
Usually, we get to see that most of us use one router in our house, and the fact is for most of us it is enough. These cable modems modems modems modems modems can be the best way if you are looking for a fast internet connection in your home or office.
But your concern about how to connect two modems in one house clearly shows that whether you have a large house or office location and you feel difficulties in connecting the network wirelessly from the corner point of any room.
[toc]In such cases, adding a second modem makes perfect sense to have a strong network that reaches every corner of the room. With a second modem, you can have extended support for a greater number of devices. By adding an additional router, the wireless range of a home network helps a lot in reaching the dead spots of the office or house.
Read Also:12 Best DOCSIS 3.1 Modems – Reviewed
When two modems are connected creates a subnetwork and makes the video streaming better among other devices within a home or same location, it’s another great advantage of connecting two modems in one house.
If you have got two modems there are different ways by which you can connect them in one house. Combining them together in different combinations can help you to achieve different solutions, you can manage your bandwidth more efficiently or you can improve the speeds or modify the settings of accessing the multiple devices.
Both of these devices can be connected to a single internet network account or you can also double the bandwidth speed by providing them both their own internet account by concerning internet service providers.
In this article, we are going to write a step-by-step guide by which you can connect two modems in one house. So, let’s get started.
How to Connect Two Modems in One House
Here are
By Bridging/ By an ethernet cable
If you have one internet connection but got two modem devices, you can easily link them together by placing one modem into a bridge mode and by building a physical connection between them with the help of an Ethernet cable.
Step 1: Select which of them will be the main router.
The router that you select will be the router that will be mainly connected to the wall outlet or to the dedicated modem. We recommend you to make that modem that as your base router that is newest or the modem that has more features.
Step 2: Select the secondary router
It’ll be a router that will be helping to extend the original network. We recommend you to use it as your secondary router. This router will be able to control the secondary network when you are creating LAN to WAN connection.
Step 3: Make sure, you place the both modems near computer or any other device
While setting up the process, place both of your modems close to your computer so that they are easily accessible. You are free to place them to any other location after you set them up completely.
Step 4: LAN-to-WAN or WAN-to LAN
Now, you’ll need to choose between either you choose a LAN- to-WAN connection or LAN- to-LAN connection. You can use the ethernet cable to build up a connection. Both of these connections have different functions written below.
- LAN-To-LAN connection
This type of connection extends your Wi-Fi range by including a second range. It’s also a good connection to share files between network-connected computers, phones, or other devices.
- LAN-To- WAN connection
It creates a second network inside the main network and allows you to place any kind of restrictions on any computers, phones, or any other type of device that is connected to the network. These types of connections don’t allow you the sharing files.
Step 5: Initiate the router setup
Now, connect your main router to the modem with the help of an ethernet cable, and connect your computer to the router by a different ethernet cable.
- If you are using a Mac computer, you might not have an Ethernet port on your laptop or computer. So, you’ll need to buy an Ethernet to USB TYPE-C also refers as “Thunderbolt 3.” It’ll solve your problem.
- If you are one window, and your computer or laptop doesn’t have ethernet ports, the same story for you. An Ethernet to USB TYPE-C will solve your problem.
Step 6: Configure your router settings
So now you are handling the connections of the internet.
- Most of the routers or modems can be accessed by entering their IP address in the web browser.
- Each of the router settings will be different from each other. If you don’t know how to get router or modem settings, check out the back of the manual.
Step 7: Modify the DHCP settings
So now, if you have made up your mind to create a LAN-TO-WAN network, go to the router page and then set the primary router DHCP service to grant the address between and
And if you are picking LAN-TO-LAN network then leave these DHCP settings at the defaults. Now, disconnect your laptop or computer from the router when you are done with the configuration of settings.
Step 8: Modify the settings of second router
Now, disconnect the first router (if necessary) and connect the second router and follow these steps.
Go to the router’s settings. Then, change the IP address and make sure it matches exactly to IP address of the first router. And then add the second last digit by 1 (For Instance: changes to
If you are building up a LAN-to-WAN connection, modify the router WAN’s IP address to
Ensure the “Subnet mask” number and matches the number of your primary router. Now, disable UPnP on the second router if it’s an option.
Step 9: Modify the DHCP settings on the secondary router
If you are building up a LAN-To-LAN network, then the DHCP service should be turned off from the secondary router. For the LAN-TO-WAN network, go to the DHCP server and then set the primary router DHCP service to grant the address between and
Step 10: Modify the wireless channel
If both modems or routers are wireless, you’ll need to manually set the channels so that interference of signals doesn’t occur between the modems or router.
You apply these settings by your primary router to any channels from 1 to 6 and setting them to your secondary route channel 11.
Step 11: Set the routers
Now that you have made the configuration, you can place the modems or router at their permeant places but make sure that the ethernet cables run enough between the two routers. If needed, you can also set the ethernet cable through the wall.
Step 12: Connect both routers
Now, plug the one end of ethernet cables into a LAN port of your base router and another port to the other secondary router.
Wrapping up
So, this is how you can connect two modems in one house. We hope that this article would be a great help to you. Make sure you save the settings after every step, don’t be so quick with the process, and after you modify be sure to restart the computer or laptop.