How to Make a Rainbow Banner in Minecraft – Easy Steps to Follow
Minecraft, a sandbox game developed by Mojang on May 17, 2009. The famous programming language Java is used for its development.
The game was initially released as a public alpha for PC in the year 2009, and after 2 years the game was officially released in November 2011, when Jens Bergensten (a best-known lead designer of Minecraft) takes over the development of the game around.
[toc]The game “Minecraft” has got a huge fan base. In fact, according to a rough calculation, 1 million players are playing Minecraft right now.
The game has been sold 25,000,000 times and still, about 288,000 people buy Minecraft every single day. You can have an idea of its popularity by reading the above statistics.
No doubt, the game Minecraft got a smooth and blocky style theme that is very charming on its own, and if ever this thought has crossed your mind that how pretty it will be if the game becomes more smooth won’t be that good in it? Well, to clear your thoughts, the answer to your thought “how you can make the Minecraft smoother” is by installing Shaders.
Check out this article on How to Install Shaders Minecraft
Here is a summary of how shaders work.
Shaders are an excellent way to get intense gaming effects. This is a simple way to alter the Minecraft renders, this enables you to modify the lighting and shadow in-game by which you can easily make your desired effect.
Minecraft version 1.115 shaders are quite popular in the community of Minecraft gamers, moreover, this version features new resource packs that include the most modifications that can help in making Minecraft even more beautiful.
These shaders add a special and realistic atmosphere to the game, you can alter the colours, exposure, and reflection of the surroundings. The shaders are much popular and in-demand since Minecraft has released its newer version 1.15 released.
Upon so many requests, we finally decided to write a blog on How to make a rainbow banner in Minecraft So, in this article, we have written the whole top to the bottom procedure of how you can make a rainbow banner in Minecraft and a lot more.
But before those let me list all those platforms that support banners in the following version of Minecraft.
Platform Supported version
- Java Edition (PC/Mac) yes (1.14)
- Pocket Edition (PE) yes (1.10.0)
- Xbox One yes (1.10.0)
- Xbox 360 No
- PS4 yes (1.90)
- PS3 No
- Wii U No
- Nintendo Switch Yes (1.10.0)
- Windows 10 Edition Yes (1.10.0)
- Education Edition yes (1.12.0)
Where to find thing banner in Creative mode
For Java
Creative menu location: Miscellaneous

For PE
Creative menu location: items

For Xbox
Creative menu location: items

For PS
Creative menu location: items

For Nintendo
Creative menu location: items

For Windows 10
Creative menu location: Items

Creative menu location: Items

The materials that you require to make thing banner pattern
- 1 x paper.
- 1 x Enchanted Golden apple.
Obtaining a banner
You can obtain a banner either from the creative inventory (below-written method) or by killing the illager patrol.
Breaking of banner
The banner is breakable with or without a tool but using an axe is the fastest way.
How to craft the thing banner pattern (survival mode)
- Open up the crafting menu
Firstly, you need to open up the crafting table.
- Add items to create a banner
After you open the crafting menu, you should see a crafting area that is of 3 x 3 grid. To create a thing banner you have to place 1 x paper and 1 x enchanted golden paper.
When putting the materials make sure you put the paper before the enchanted golden apple. In the first row, there should be 1 x paper and 1 x enchanted golden apple in the 2nd box. It’s like a perfect recipe for crafting a thing banner pattern.
After filling the crafting area with the right pattern, the thing banner will start to appear in the box to the right side.
- Moving the banner pattern to inventory
After filling you need to move the new item into your inventory.
You can also trade banners in the game. Those villagers who are expert level cartographer offer to sell 1 or 2 blank banners of some random colors for 3 emeralds.
The shepherd who is expert level has a chance of 2/7 of offering the same trade.
Making an Illager Banner in Minecraft
Platform Supported version
- Java Edition (PC/Mac) yes (1.14)
- Pocket Edition (PE) yes (1.10.0)
- Xbox One yes (1.10.0)
- Xbox 360 No
- PS4 yes (1.90)
- PS3 No
- Wii U No
- Nintendo Switch Yes (1.10.0)
- Windows 10 Edition Yes (1.10.0)
- Education Edition yes (1.12.0)
Where to find thing banner in Creative mode
For Java
Creative menu location:

For PE
Creative menu location: items

For Xbox
Creative menu location: items

For PS
Creative menu location: items, Decorations

For Nintendo
Creative menu location: items

For Windows 10
Creative menu location: Items

Creative menu location: Items

How to get an Illager banner (Survival mode)
- Find a pillager Outpost
Firstly, you need to find a Pillager in Minecraft. A pillager is structured in a way that it naturally spawns in a game near a village. That’s because a Pillager automatically generates near a village, it appears in any biome
- Find the patrol leader
This pillager remains protected by a new mob that is also known as pillager. After entering the Outpost, the pillager there will start to attack you. you’ll have to kill those pillagers and then find the patrol leader. Spotting the patrol leader isn’t a difficult task, the leader wears an Illager banner on its banner.
- Obtain the Illager banner
To obtain the Illager banner, you need to kill the patrol leader. Once you kill the patrol leader, the illegal banner will be dropped down on the ground. Now you can pick it.
Crafting an Illager banner (Survival mode)
The illager banner requires 8 layered patterns and you can just stack a max of 6 patterns, so currently you can’t craft an Illager banner in Minecraft using a crafting table or loom.
But we are providing command for Illager banner java edition (this command isn’t available in Bedrick Edition)
Give command for Illager banner
/give @p white_banner{BlockEntityTag:{Patterns:[{Pattern:”Mr”,Color:9},{Pattern:”bs”,Color:8},{Pattern:”cs”,Color:7},{Pattern:”bo”,Color:8},{Pattern:”ms”,Color:15},{Pattern:”hh”,Color:8},{Pattern:”mc”,Color:8},{Pattern:”bo”,Color:15}]}} 1
So that was all the things you need to know to when it comes to how to make a rainbow banner in Minecraft. We hope that this article would have been a great help to you.
making a rainbow banner in Minecraft isn’t a difficult task you all you need is the right equipment and some skills and knowledge in Minecraft.
If you have some knowledge of the mapping of Minecraft, you are all set to go in the game and make rainbow banners.
If you are unable to make a rainbow banner in Minecraft, then do let us know in the comments section we will help you out.
Thank you.