[Fix] UAC Warning! When Installing XAMPP Windows 7/8/10

fix error when installing xampp in windows 7/8/10

XAMPP is one of the most popular and widely used Frameworks that provides an easy to install and customize web server within the local network. With Xampp server, you can easily run your php (mysql) web app within a few seconds. The installation of XAMPP control panel is a very straightforward task, you only need to download the exe file from the official website and run the setup wizard and that’s it.

However, sometimes the operating system raises some technical issue that results in installation failure. One of the problems while installing XAMPP server is “UAC (User Account Control) restriction”. The problem is very common and can be found in every second computer.

So here in this guide, I am going to show you a step by step guide to fix the following UAC error-

Important! Because an activated User Account Control (UAC) on your system some functions of XAMPP are possibly restricted.
With UAC please avoid to install XAMPP to C:\Program Files(Missing Write permissions). Or Deactivate UAC with msconfig after this setup.

How to Fix UAC Warning When installing XAMPP

There are several ways to fix UAC problems when installing XAMPP servers in Windows computers. The first and the easy way is that you should avoid the UAC error warnings pop-up message and Ignore the warning and Install XAMPP directly under C:/ folder. It will solve your issue.

The other option to fix the error is to choose a different folder from the C folder.

If the problem is still not solved then you might want to disable the UAC control. Here is the fix.

How to Fix UAC Warning error by disable the UAC control

User Account Control (UAC) is an integral part of a Windows computer that manages permissions at the administrator-level. It prompts the user that the app requires an administrator-level permission. You can easily bypass it by disable the “User Access Control” feature.

Lets see how.

First you need to make sure that your user account has the admin privileges.

  • To know where you have admin right or not, navigate to the control panel (WIndows 7/8/10) and then click on “User accounts options”.
  • In User Accounts, you see your account name listed on the right side. If your account has admin rights, it will say “Administrator” under your account name.

And now, you need to disable the UAC (User Account Control) feature of Windows. In order to disable UAC:

  • Type uac into the Windows Start menu.
  • Click “Change User Account Control settings.
  • Move the slider down to “Never Notify.
  • Click OK and then restart the computer.

disable user access control install xampp windows 7/8/10

Thanks for reading this article. I am sure that after following the above tutorial, your problem has been solved.

If you are still getting the UAC error and none of the method is working for you. Then you can comment in the comment box below. I will try my best to solve your problem.